Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Random Pen, Pencil, and Marker Drawings

Here are some more attempts in non-erasable media.  The first one's in pencil, but the rest are pen, marker, and brush pen drawings.

I drew this one from a model at CTN in November.

Sometimes I am very messy.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Vignettes in Pen

 I've been drawing in pen and markers a lot lately (with varying amounts of success), so I thought I'd share some of my attempts with you.  Here are some one panel stories that I drew to capture some moments.  I was inspired by some of the artists at CTNx to try to draw stories rather than just singular, out of context objects.  Specifically, Pascal Campion, who wrote a beautiful book called 3000 Moments, and Valerie LaPointe, a Pixar story artist.  Definitely check them out!

Saturday, December 6, 2014


Who says that pumpkin carving is just for Halloween?!  Here is my Christmas Sant-o-lantern.  He is as jolly as can be.

Then again...maybe I can see why these are not holiday canon.  Sant-o-lantern is a little creepy.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Sunday sketches

Here are some sketches I did yesterday!

I think this girl would have something interesting to say.

I like this page.  Don't ask me what that odd eggplant-ish thing is because I don't know.  MEOW.


Deal with it.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Toph sketch

My brother and sister and I are re-watching Avatar: The Last Airbender.  So good.  Here's a sketch of Toph that I doodled while watching the show.  

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Roadtrip 2014: Bryce Canyon

Bryce Canyon is a truly unique natural wonder.  The canyon is more of an amphitheater than a canyon, formed out of odd rock formations called "hoodoos".  The rock formations were formed by years of erosion, floods, and frozen winters.  

We hiked down into the canyon through a bunch of switchbacks into an area called Wall Street. There had been a thunderstorm the night before, so the canyon floor was a bit muddy.  It's hard to capture how large the hoodoos actually are, but hopefully you can get a sense of the scale of the individual parts as well as the canyon as a whole.

This last photo is a bonus from our drive through the Dixie National Forest.  Bryce Canyon can be seen in the background.  I was thoroughly impressed by the large number of cows in the forest (sorry I don't have a photo for you).

Next stop:  Moab, UT

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Rock Lobster

This is a short animation that I did in my Computer Graphics course last Spring.  I made the crab/lobster and oyster rig and animation curve program, and my partner worked on the lighting and texture capabilities.  I came up with the story idea and then we both worked on the animation (with a little help from a friend).  The production quality is a little low, but hey, we only had a few weeks to write the program and make the animation!  It's a bit ridiculous, but it makes me laugh.

Without further ado, I present the most crab-like lobster you will ever see...Rock Lobster!

Here's a link to a web address incase you have trouble viewing it on mobile: Rock Lobster.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


I'm trying to learn how to paint.  This is a shark!  He's a little rough around the edges and I kept trying to fix them, but that just made it worse.  I like him though.  

I'm using gouache paints because you can get really nice bright colors, and I've seen some awesome art using the medium.  They're sort of in between watercolor and acrylic, so they're pretty fun to mess around with.  Stay tuned for more!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Tattoo design

This is a tattoo design that I did for a friend earlier this week.  The words are a quote from Shakespeare's play Twelfth Night, which was the first play she acted in at Everett community college.  I've never done something like this before, so it was fun to learn about tattoo art practices.  The cross hatching is a little wonky and some of the lettering could be better, but I'm happy with the design overall (and more importantly, so is she). 

Roadtrip 2014: Yellowstone

I'm going to start this blog off with some photos from my road trip with my sister this summer.  We went from Montana through the Southwest, and then up the coast back to Washington.  We stopped in some really beautiful National Parks along the way and got to see some places that I've always wanted to visit.

The first stop on the trip was Yellowstone National Park.  My sister and I had never been, so it was amazing to see in person.  Here are some photos from the park.

Lower geyser basin (I think)

This pool has a face! 
Steamboat Geyser. It really sounded like a steamboat.

The rocks remind me of a sea cucumber.

Mammoth Hot Springs 

Awesome bacteria formations

The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone


Or maybe this is Lower Geyser Basin...

Indian paint pots

Who knew bacteria could be so cool?

Old faithful

Grand Teton National Park

Next stop:  Bryce Canyon National Park