Monday, October 27, 2014

Roadtrip 2014: Yellowstone

I'm going to start this blog off with some photos from my road trip with my sister this summer.  We went from Montana through the Southwest, and then up the coast back to Washington.  We stopped in some really beautiful National Parks along the way and got to see some places that I've always wanted to visit.

The first stop on the trip was Yellowstone National Park.  My sister and I had never been, so it was amazing to see in person.  Here are some photos from the park.

Lower geyser basin (I think)

This pool has a face! 
Steamboat Geyser. It really sounded like a steamboat.

The rocks remind me of a sea cucumber.

Mammoth Hot Springs 

Awesome bacteria formations

The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone


Or maybe this is Lower Geyser Basin...

Indian paint pots

Who knew bacteria could be so cool?

Old faithful

Grand Teton National Park

Next stop:  Bryce Canyon National Park

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