Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Roadtrip 2014: Bryce Canyon

Bryce Canyon is a truly unique natural wonder.  The canyon is more of an amphitheater than a canyon, formed out of odd rock formations called "hoodoos".  The rock formations were formed by years of erosion, floods, and frozen winters.  

We hiked down into the canyon through a bunch of switchbacks into an area called Wall Street. There had been a thunderstorm the night before, so the canyon floor was a bit muddy.  It's hard to capture how large the hoodoos actually are, but hopefully you can get a sense of the scale of the individual parts as well as the canyon as a whole.

This last photo is a bonus from our drive through the Dixie National Forest.  Bryce Canyon can be seen in the background.  I was thoroughly impressed by the large number of cows in the forest (sorry I don't have a photo for you).

Next stop:  Moab, UT

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